
The Swedish Database for Theatre, Dance and Opera!

The Swedish Database for Theatre, Dance and Opera is operated by the Scensverige.

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Svensk Teaterunion - Swedish Centre of the ITI

Svensk Teaterunion - Swedish ITI is a forum for co-operation and information within Swedish theatre and the centre for contact and exchange across the borders. It is a member organization whose roster includes nearly 100 Swedish institutions and organizations within theatre and dance. Svensk Teaterunion - Swedish ITI represents Sweden in the Nordic Theatre Union and in the International Theatre Institute.

Drama Directory

DramaDirectory is run by The Swedish Playwrights Union and is funded by The Swedish National Council for Cultural affairs. - Sweden's largest collection of drama on the Internet.

Swedish Arts Council

Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet) is a government authority whose principal task is to implement national cultural policy determined by the Parliament. The Council is responsible for the allocation of state cultural funding to theatre, dance, music, literature, arts periodicals and public libraries, and to the fine arts, museums and exhibitions.

Swedish Performing Arts

Swedish Performing Arts (Svensk Scenkonst) represents more than 100 Swedish companies and organisations within performing arts. Our members include dance theatres, musical theatres, stages for both classical and experimental repertoires, regional music institutions and symphony orchestras. The affiliated companies and organisations employ a total of about 6,000 people.

Swedish Union for Theatre, Artsts and Media

Called Teaterförbundet in Swedish, this is the union that organizes workers in theatre, film and media. While the majority of the Union’s members are performers; actors, opera singers, variety artists etcetera, the Union also organizes directors, choreographers, set designers, technicians, producers and other theatre, film and media employees. The main function of Teaterförbundet is to negotiate collective agreements, including guaranteed minimum wages, terms of employment, insurances, pensions and copyright remuneration.


Called in Swedish Musikerförbundet, this is the union that organizes professional musicians, both those in permanent employment and freelancers. Musikerförbundet negotiates collective agreements for its members and lobbies for fair pay and good working conditions.

The Writers Guild of Sweden / Dramatikerförbundet

Sweden’s Dramatkerförbundet represents the authors of dramatic scripts for television, film, theatre, radio and new media. Almost all of Sweden’s playwrights, screenwriters and translators of dramatic literature are members of this organization. The Writers Guild of Sweden negotiates contracts with all major media employer organizations and protects the rights of its members to collect royalties for work produced. It is also an important lobby organization in regards to national and regional cultural policy.


SAMI, the Swedish Artists’ and Musicians’ Interest organisation, is an organisation for Swedish artists and musicians that was founded in 1963 on the initiative of the artists’ and musicians’ unions. Our main task is to administrate performers’ economic rights based on the Swedish Copyright Act and corresponding international legislation.


STIM, the Swedish Performing Rights Society, is a non-profit incorporated association owned by those who create music - the authors - and music publishers. STIM administers and licenses rights to music and lyrics on their behalf.


Established in 1984, SYMF is a trade union for professional musicians and singers, particularly those employed by symphony orchestras, opera houses, regional theatres and private theatres. SYMF works to improve salaries and working conditions for its approximately 1900 members.

The Performance Archive ( is a collaborative project initiated by three independent dance venues: Atalante in Göteborg, Moderna Dansteatern in Stockholm and Dansstationen in Malmö. Their goal is to create a database documenting the unique activities that have taken place on these three stages during the past twenty years, a body of work that comprises an important part of Sweden’s dance and performance heritage.

Statens musikverk – Music Development and Heritage Sweden

Statens musikverk – Music Development and Heritage Sweden – is the government institution for the music scene in Sweden coordinating and supporting collaborative projects of national interest. The institution is also responsible for preserving, promoting and making accessible our cultural heritage within theatre, dance and music.

Statistics from The Swedish Database for Theatre, Dance and Opera


The image

Photographer: Ola Kjelbye
«September 2024»